I am sending my sincere appologies out to all of my blog followers, It has been to long since my last post! But here I am now and I have a lot to share with you.
It has been a long month to say the least. I have been emotionally and physically exhausted, and I would like to share with you some of the ups and downs of the past month.
Well at the beginning of the month work was busy, we had just put our publication SAM to bed and then I had a huge advertising campaign that had to be completed in one day. We had not planned the ad campaign to be designed in one day but due to the publication taking up a bunch of time and me myself planning to head back to the coast for thanksgiving, time ran out and I had 24 hours to complete the campaign of aprox. 48 ads! Yes I am not kidding 48 ads!! (I have talked more about the ad campaign and the publication in my previous posts)
I didn't think it was possible but Jana and I completed the campaign, I had to pull an all-nighter and almost cried from exhaustion but we did it and I can now add "48 ads in 24hrs" to my list of accomplishments, although i don't want to ever do that again and I mean NEVER!
Anyways now I have my designs on the sides of buses, bus shelters and billboard from here to Edmonton and I feel a little proud ...
So after the ad campaign was completed I was off to the coast for Thankgiving and to more importantly see my Grandpa.
I had planned my trip to BC about a month prior after finding out my grandpa had in-operable liver cancer. They had given him six months to live and I really felt like I had to get there as soon as I could so I booked my trip, only to receive a call 3 days before I was to fly out to BC that my grandpa was hospitalized and he wasn't going to make it too much longer. I have thanked God everyday since for giving me the guidance and opportunity to come sooner then Christmas (which is when Brad and I had originally planned on going to the coast). When I flew in on Wednesday evening I rushed from Victoria straight to the Cowichan Valley Hospital in Duncan so I could say goodbye to my gramps. And I am more then happy to say I was able to do that, when I arrived at the hospital I was able to hold his hand and he said "I am glad you are here now I can go" then gramps went to sleep. I didn't get the hear his voice again as we all sat beside him for the next day and a bit, we shared memories and spent some really great time as a family together. Then Friday morning he left our world to be with the Lord. I am really going to miss him . . .
So the following week was spent planning and preparing for the memorial and celebration of his life. It was a hard week but I am truly blessed that even though it was a time of great loss God blessed me with the opportunity to reconnect with my family on my dad's side. I was able to remember how much I really and truly love my family and how blessed I am to have each and everyone one of them in my life. God is amazing and I was reminded of that.
I built a slideshow for my grandpa's memorial and I would like to share it with you now, he was a good man and I was not surprised so many people got up to speak about his and remember him at the memorial. He will be missed by many . . .