Thursday, July 30, 2009

:: Wedding Stuff :: The BEST Wedding Entrance

I friend just sent this to me at work and I have to post it! As mine and Brad's wedding is approaching fast, I feel inspired by this video! It needs no introduction just watch . . .

Jill and Kevin's Unexpected Wedding Entrance - Watch more Funny Videos


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

:: Fab Finds :: Finger Drums

Okay So I found these cute little gadgets on and I just had to post them along with their demonstration photo which is super funny, or at least to me. To be honest it brings back some of the memories I have from University and some of the crazy things we had and did! Feast your eyes on these:

You can buy the Finger Drums here for $24.99 USD. Watch the supporting video, you may just LOL (Laugh Out Loud like I did, literally):

:: Fab Finds :: CableDrop Cable Clips

So it's been a while since I last posted, I have been busy doing wedding stuff as my wedding is fast approaching (only 11 days away now) and there are endless things I need to do.

However in my moments of spare time I have found a few really need although probably kinda geeky things! The first is the fabulous CableDrop Cable Clips! I don't know about you but my studio at home is a mess! I have my computer set up there with numerous external hard drives, printers, speakers, scanners and the list goes on. I wouldn't go as far to say I am a techy or anything although honestly I probably am. I try so hard to keep the wires and things that need to be plugged in to a minimum but have come to realize that is nevr going to happen. I have our house set-up on a wireless network so I can use my work laptop anywhere in the house and I also have my Xbox 360 set up wirelessly and connected to my computer wirelessly so that Brad and I can Watch movies I have downloaded on our bigger screen t.v. downstairs (I have my 50" tv upstairs and Brad has our 61" downstairs in the "man cave" lol). Anyways I have come to accept my desk will never be as neat and tidy as I would like so i think these CableDrop Cable Clips are perfect.

Arn't they soo cute, and i won't have to worry about my cords falling off the back of my desk and getting wedge inbetween my heavy solid cherry desk and the wall! No more gymnastics to get the fallen cords anymore! sells them online for $9.99USD.

they can be used for other things too see:

Friday, July 17, 2009

:: Wedding Stuff :: First Dance Song take 2

Okay so I have had about a week to listen to both songs I had posted about earlier on here for our first dance song . . . and well I love the song Brad choose, and the fact that it represents the way he feels about me makes me get all mushy, so I think we have a winner and get ready for the waterfalls that will be flowing from my eyes ;)

Just thought I would update you!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

:: In Love :: Typographic clocks

As many of you may already know I love Typography! and I also love home decor that uses Typography, for things such as wall art, clocks and other numerous things. Over the years I have been collecting images of clocks I love, in the hopes of one day having a clock wall with many beautiful and typographic clocks. I know that may sound kinda strange but these are the things i think about on an everyday basis and my excuse as always is "I'm an ARTIST!".

Here are some of the Clock I have found which I love!

If you love the clocks above as much as I do check out the following websites:


:: Randomness :: Home Trip June 2009

So recently I drove home for Mikey's Graduation! Can you believe it he is now a highschool graduate and this fall he will be a UVic engineering student! Where has the time gone! While I was home I also had time to catch up with long time friends and spend time with my favorite children in the world! . . . Simone, Levi and Mercedes! (My 2 neices and my one nephew all of which will be helping out at my wedding as my 2 flower girls and my little ring bearer boy!)

Here are some pics from the trip:

:: Mike's Grad Walk-up ::

Chris and Mike (on the right) "looking into the future".

:: The kids ::

Mercedes and I taking self-portraits

Simone (Oldest neice andf flowergirl)

Mercedes (Youngest neice and flowergirl)

Levi (my nephew and ring bearer)

:: Wedding Stuff :: The Favors

So I promised I would post photos of the favors we completed last night in Picture Butte! Thanks Ashley and Amanda for cooking us dinner and helping me (Queen of pickiness) finish up the favors in record time! I love you both!

Here is what the final products look like:

We (well I) decided to go with Jelly Belly beans in our colours (Blue/Teal, yellow, green and white) with mints thrown in just because everyone loves mints! I think they turned out great and am super excited to share them with all of our guests!

Let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

:: Wedding Stuff :: 27 days and counting

So the countdown has really begun now! Under a month to go till I will be Mrs. Karsten! WEIRD! But good.

This week ahead is going to be a lot of fun! With Street Wheelers behind us (What a fun weekend!) now it is all about wedding stuff. Tomorrow I am going to Picture Butte to Bra'd sister's house to fill my favors (I will post pics tomorrow) and then Wednesday is the Lethbridge Family wedding shower, then on Saturday I have my hair trial, Make-up trial and my Stagette! So needless to say it is going to be a busy week!

To anyone who is reading, say a little prayer for me and Brad over the next month as things start coming together. All the big details were taken care of months ago but now it's all of the little things to remember (and there happens to be tons!)

I will post pics tomorrow of the favors (Which I love!)

Till then, enjoi!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

:: Randomness :: Blog Name

So I thought I would clear up some questions about the blog name . . . At the moment I know the name may sound a little egotistical but that is not my intention. The name of my blog is based on a bible verse I hold close to my heart.

"26God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.27So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them."

Genesis 1 : 26 - 27

I was (we all were) created in his likeness what could be more beautifully created then that!

:: Wedding Stuff :: First Dance Song

So as you may or may not know I am getting married in 31 days! Planning is in full-force and as most of you well know pretty much complete as I happen to be an organize-a-holic when it comes to event planning and even more so because it is my wedding day and the day I have been looking forward to for much of my life. So needless to say I want everything to be perfect!

For most of the wedding planning it has been a breeze to say the least, Brad has been very easy-going and supportive! Thank God for that!

We are at the point now where we are trying to nail down what songs we want to play for what parts of our wedding. The songs we do have picked out (Only 2 so far, one for the bridemaids to walk up to and one for me to walk up to) I LOVE and think capture who we are and what is important to us as a couple perfectly! I play them all the time and imagine what it is going to be like and the look on Brad's face the first time he sees me in my wedding dress! I love that part at weddings!

So here is the dilemma . . . . I thought we had choosen the PERFECT SONG for our first dance and then Brad put up another song up for discussion . . . . I know you may be thinking "okay so whats the big deal". Well we don't know which song to pick, Brad cast his vote for his song and I cast my vote for the origional song and we are deadlocked! I would love to say lets just pick another song that we both like but I just can't seem to let go of the origional song.

I know I am probably making a bigger deal out of this then I need to be but the facts are as follows: I am tired, worn-out and plain stressed out with getting ready and making everything perfect for the wedding. I want the wedding to be as perfect as it can be, including every single song! and finally I am emotional (as I assume Brides have the right to be a month before the wedding), picky, I just want things to be my way on my day.

I know it is our day technically but what Groom has fantisized over every last detail of there wedding for the past 26 years? I know I HAVE and I know if it were up to Brad we'd just elope! So the real question is: is it fair to settle on the details that do matter to me in order to let my wonderful soon-to-be husband get his way? I know the wedding matters to him as much as it does to me but do the details matter to him as much as they do to me? I'm gonna ask him!

I have set-up a vote on the right hand side of this blog for you all to cast your votes on which songs you like better, I have not listed them in any perticular order just so you won't know which song is my choice and which is his, so just vote for the one you like best.

Here is what I want for the song and here is what Brad wants for the song:

I want: 1. A song that will be uniquely us and I won't be hearing it someone elses wedding.
2. A song that makes me cry and really resonates with me
3. A song that doesn't require two-stepping (i have 2-left feet)
4. A song that is beautiful but not traditional

Brad wants: 1. A song that can be slow-danced to
2. A song that is romantic
3. A song that is true to how we feel about eachother

So as you can see I think we have similar things we want but also diffrent outlooks. So I would love to hear any comments and or suggestions!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

:: In Love :: Veer Merch

Okay so I promise this is my last post of the day, I have been meaning to get all of these posts up for months and finally this evening I put my foot down and decided to get the ball rollin'.

As many of you probably already know I LOVE TYPOGRAPHY and if you didn't know that well now count yourself as informed. I download typefaces all of the time and probably have over 5000 fonts on my computer. So yes we have established I love fonts and anything to do with them. I often find great fonts through a company called Veer ( and they also have Merch that any designer would die for too (although I do admit any non-designer may think it's a little geeky).

Like the above "KERN" Hoodie! hahah get it KERN! I love it!

Here is how they describe the Hoodie:
"Next time you have to explain kerning to a layman, you’ll have a live demo just a zip away. The soft navy blue fleece on this fitted, lightweight jogging jacket won’t pill. High quality twill appliqué means the white letters stitched in News Gothic Bold will stay in place, no matter how fast or far you race."
Do you have a yearning for Kerning? lol sooo geeky I LOVE IT! Enjoi

:: Fab Finds :: Mini Glass Mobiles

My friend at the office (Jana) found this cool little gadget on a site called Etsy ( and she proudly displays it from her iMac in her office . . . . an I LOVE IT! It's a computer mobile made of glass beads and wire and she insists it "reduces eye strain". Which I can actually believe as it is sooo cute to look at why would you want to.

They range in price from $25.00 USD and Up depending on the size etc. and they are all one of a kind and hand-made in Portland Oregon.

Here is a little snippet from the artists shop page on
"His name is Mobi - the mini mobil mobile!

I first made him as a gift for myself. Having lots of scraps around from making large glass mobiles, I was tempted to make myself a little miniature one for my car. The rear view mirror spins this little puppy like a gyroscope! Its so much fun!

They bring me smiles everyday - I had to share!

This one is a unique color arrangement - I thought it would be fun to offer these - SPECIAL ONLY THRU ETSY.COM - custom colors in the mini mobi!

This particular one is made of a funny glass that actually changes color. It looks kind of pink, sometimes green... I call it champagne - what it really does is reflect what ever spectrum of light it is picking up... so in the car it is absolutely amazing how it reflects the blue of the sky and the various colors of what is around you. I have one of these hanging in my car right now. I love it."
You can find out more information about the mini mobiles here on


:: In Love :: Sophie Conran Portmeirion Dinnerware

So I know you may be thinking who could get so worked up about dishes! In all truth I used to think the same thing before I came across Sophie Conran! Brad and I, like all soon-to-be-married couples were registering for the wedding at the Bay, and much to my surprise we spent over half and hour debating about which dishes we wanted. I was pretty underwelmed with our selections at the Bay utill I rounded the courner behond the wine glasess and cutlery to find hidden in the back . . . Sophie Conran! I was in love! they were simple, white and more then anything else unique! The whole collection almost has a handmade look to it, the bowl are my absolute favorite! They are misshaped and more oblong then circular. Each one is like a work of art and that maybe why i love them so much.

It took me a little while to convince Brad that they were the dishes for us but with my great debating skills I ropped him it! The biggest hurdle was convincing him "Yes dear i am sure you will have no problem scrapping your plate off with these plates (they are a little rippled in nature)" .

This what they say about the collection on the Sophie Conran Website:

"All the pieces within the collection have been designed to look as good on the dining table as they do in the kitchen. Being a practical person I've made sure the pieces not only look great but are robust and can go from the worktop to the oven to the table to the freezer, and back to the oven again."
An added bonus is that the dishes come in the most adorable boxes too, who could love them as much as I do!

::Fab Finds:: "Index" Cutting Board

Lately I have been finding the most wonderful things! I was in Lethbridge doing some window shopping on Canada Day and I came across the "Index", the world coolest organizational cutting board (or at least I think so!). It is made by Joseph Joseph and I found it in lethbridge at the Sous Chef downtown.

It is 4 cutting boards labeled and stored in an index like manner. There are different cutting boards for different purposes. For example, one for Meat, one for Veggies and so on.

Here is how they describe it on the Joseph Joseph website:

"‘Index’ is our multi award winning chopping board categorization system comprising of a stylish storage case and four colour-coded chopping boards. Each board has its own illustrated tab, staggered for visual ease, indicating which should be used for preparing certain food types (vegetables, fish, raw meat and cooked food)."
I think the cutting board runs for around $70.00 CAD, which does seem a little expensive for a cutting board but I am not up-to-date with what kitchen utensils cost anymore. At one of my wedding showers a couple of weeks ago I recieved a $35.00 CAD can opener! So I guess it could actually be a great deal of you compare it to the can opener!

You can find more details about it here at Enjoi!

:: Fab Finds :: S.TA.M.P.S. Watches

So while I was heading to Vancouver Island on holidays and for my brother graduation, I was riding the ferry and stumbled upon these fabulous finds, in the ferry gift shop of all places!

They are called S.T.A.M.P.S. Basically they are watch faces that come in all kinds of designs and colors that you can interchange with different colored straps. You buy the watch faces and the straps separate from each other, so there are a lot of options and combination to create.

Here is a little bit of the companies history:

"In 1996 the former brand manager of Citizen Europe, Mr. Andreas Schweneker and the former promotions manager of Swatch, Mr. Peter Gschwind come up with an idea for a watch resembling a stamp that would be available in a wide variety of designs and would have the ability to stick on multiple surfaces. Once settled on this idea they then recruit Mr. Elmar Mock one of the inventors of SWATCH for the technical development of this new idea.

After many prototypes and designs the first STAMPS watch emerges in the form of a vertical strip of 4 connected watches. Each watch has the ability to be snapped of the strip and used individually. The initial STAMPS line-up comes in 36 different designs. "

The watch faces sell for about $27.00 CAD and the straps about $20.00 CAD. Places i have found that sell them thus far are BC Ferries Gift Shops and Fab Finds Boutique (in Downtown Duncan) you can also see the whole collection at


Welcome to my first post! I have wanted to start a blog for a while now and just been to busy and distracted with other things in my life that i just never got around to it! So here I am, I am taking the leap and committing to writing my own blog.

I hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as i intend to love writing it.