Wednesday, July 29, 2009

:: Fab Finds :: CableDrop Cable Clips

So it's been a while since I last posted, I have been busy doing wedding stuff as my wedding is fast approaching (only 11 days away now) and there are endless things I need to do.

However in my moments of spare time I have found a few really need although probably kinda geeky things! The first is the fabulous CableDrop Cable Clips! I don't know about you but my studio at home is a mess! I have my computer set up there with numerous external hard drives, printers, speakers, scanners and the list goes on. I wouldn't go as far to say I am a techy or anything although honestly I probably am. I try so hard to keep the wires and things that need to be plugged in to a minimum but have come to realize that is nevr going to happen. I have our house set-up on a wireless network so I can use my work laptop anywhere in the house and I also have my Xbox 360 set up wirelessly and connected to my computer wirelessly so that Brad and I can Watch movies I have downloaded on our bigger screen t.v. downstairs (I have my 50" tv upstairs and Brad has our 61" downstairs in the "man cave" lol). Anyways I have come to accept my desk will never be as neat and tidy as I would like so i think these CableDrop Cable Clips are perfect.

Arn't they soo cute, and i won't have to worry about my cords falling off the back of my desk and getting wedge inbetween my heavy solid cherry desk and the wall! No more gymnastics to get the fallen cords anymore! sells them online for $9.99USD.

they can be used for other things too see:

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