Tuesday, July 7, 2009

:: In Love :: Veer Merch

Okay so I promise this is my last post of the day, I have been meaning to get all of these posts up for months and finally this evening I put my foot down and decided to get the ball rollin'.

As many of you probably already know I LOVE TYPOGRAPHY and if you didn't know that well now count yourself as informed. I download typefaces all of the time and probably have over 5000 fonts on my computer. So yes we have established I love fonts and anything to do with them. I often find great fonts through a company called Veer (www.veer.com) and they also have Merch that any designer would die for too (although I do admit any non-designer may think it's a little geeky).

Like the above "KERN" Hoodie! hahah get it KERN! I love it!

Here is how they describe the Hoodie:
"Next time you have to explain kerning to a layman, you’ll have a live demo just a zip away. The soft navy blue fleece on this fitted, lightweight jogging jacket won’t pill. High quality twill appliqué means the white letters stitched in News Gothic Bold will stay in place, no matter how fast or far you race."
Do you have a yearning for Kerning? lol sooo geeky I LOVE IT! Enjoi

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